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Should You Repair or Replace Your Garage Door?

23/11/21 10:19

What are the signs of damage that indicate you need a garage door replacement?


Excessive age
If your door is more than 15 years old, just go for a garage door replacement. If you ignore it now, there will be irreparable damage. Call a reliable garage door specialist at once.


Extensive physical damage
If you have a broken garage door with signs of physical damage, you must opt for its replacement. The garage door panels may suffer from warping, denting, peeling, etc. This not only diminishes the aesthetic appeal but also the life of the garage door.


Functional damage
Is your garage door not working smoothly? Is it difficult to open or close it? If so, it is time for its replacement.


Old garage door with no smart sensors
Do you have an old-fashioned garage door without any child safety sensors or alarm system? Then, you must think of replacing it with a modern garage door as these safety features are a must. The sensors can detect the presence of any child or pet under the door and alert you, preventing serious injuries. Get a new automatic garage door installed with safety sensors and advanced security features.


Have you had a break-in in recent times? If so, replace your door to avoid safety risks. Call a garage door company and install a strong door with additional security features to avoid such mishaps.

Concerns about Energy-efficiency

Is your door allowing the cold air into your garage? Ask a professional garage expert to fit a new door. Let it have double-layered garage door seals for better energy efficiency.

If you find any of the above signs of severe damage, do not delay. Choose the best among the garage door service companies and get the door replaced at once.

When should one go for garage door repair?

It is not always necessary to replace your door. Instead, you can opt for garage door repair in the following situations


Individual panel damage

In case of damage to the individual panels of your door, a repair will suffice. For single panel damage, the repair is enough. If there is damage to multiple panels, get the door replaced.


Loose hardware

For a minor garage door issue like loose hardware, worn springs, damaged tracks, etc, you need not think of door replacement. Just call an experienced garage door technician and get it fixed.


Heavy garage door

If your door suddenly feels heavy, do not panic. Its torsion springs might have worn out with use. Call a garage door professional and replace them.


Leaning or sagging garage door

If your door leans to one side, it means it is not balanced. Check the garage door tracks and springs and replace them. Do these minor repairs at once or your lift motor will be permanently damaged.


Cosmetic damage

Minor issues like peeling paint show only visual damage to the garage door. This affects only the aesthetic appeal and not the life of the door. So, applying a coat of paint is a cost-effective option over door replacement.

For all the above garage door issues, Garage repair is a more affordable option than replacement.


Garage door repair vs. replacement - the final decision 

 It is difficult to make a choice between garage door repair and replacement. But you can do this by following these pointers.

  1. Use a comprehensive cost guide to compare the pricing of repair vs replacement of your garage door
  2. For minor repairs and cosmetic damage, go for repair 
  3. For severe damage and safety risk, it is better to do new garage door installations

Be it garage door repair or replacement, take the right decision on time after reviewing the above tips. But be sure to do it on time by calling Tip Top Garage Doors repair services to take care of it efficiently.

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